Transform your audiovisual sessions with Intelligent Audiovisual System (IAVS), the software application designed and developed by Laia.
IAVS is a VoiceTracking system with up to 4 Laia IP / PTZ cameras, which is based on directional detection of sound captured through Nureva's microphone systems.
(*) Soon available with other brands.
(**) Depending on the microphone system.
IAVS automates audiovisual sessions through voice tracking technology, which allows to detect and follow who is speaking. The sound is picked up by Nureva's HDL310 and HDL410 microphone systems for large rooms.
IAVS allows you to register up to four IP cameras, control their presets (up to 255) and make basic settings.
IAVS is compatible with the Nureva HDL310 (one soundbar) and HDL410 (two soundbars) microphone systems.
The Nureva HDL310 system supports 3 to 20 sectors of voice detection and the Nureva HDL410 system supports 4 to 256 sectors of voice detection, so it adapts to a multitude of needs.
IAVS is always kept up to date with automatic updates (optional). It displays a notification when a new version is available, to incorporate new features and ensure optimal performance.
To prepare your voice-tracking application and start the process, it is convenient to follow this simple flow:
* Configure the presets you will use for each of them.
* Assign the camera and preset to be activated for each of them.