A European Company

Pope Francis' visit to Scholas Occurrentes: Live broadcast

On the occasion of the arrival of Scholas in Valencia (Spain), Sydney (Australia) and Washington (USA), Pope Francis visited the headquarters located in Vatican City on May 20, 2021. A meeting that was broadcast live thanks to the Laiatech teams and the support and execution of OneVite.

You can watch the event again herewhere you can see the camera jumps and shot changes that were made during the broadcast. 



Vatican City


myTeam TP100, Cute 30x, Broadcaster 20x and Broadcaster T-joy IP camera controllers


Scholas is an International Organization of Pontifical Right, present in 190 countries, integrating more than 400 thousand educational centers and reaching more than one million children and young people around the world. Its mission is to respond to the call to create a culture of encounter, bringing young people together in an education that generates meaning.

In the aftermath of the pandemic, Scholas Occurrentes has adapted its educational programs to continue developing its activities worldwide, carrying out so-called "cyber-meetings" and thus overcoming the adversity that prevails today.


Challenge: Physical event - face-to-face with connections from several countries around the world. 

The need to manage multiple cameras for different shots and approaches to achieve the perfect broadcast, which can be achieved with Laiatech's camera controller.


Benefits provided by Laiatech:

  • Ease of use: One-click focus to where the viewer needs to focus their attention, from a panoramic view of space to close-ups when necessary.
  • Fast and FullHD: Compatible with any videoconferencing system and operating system.
  • Quality: Spectators followed the event as if they were at the venue itself, without missing any detail.


Laiatech, specialist in AV solutions, has made the live broadcast of the visit of Pope Francis to Scholas a reality with the connection to different sites around the world. Together with OneVite, we have installed the types of equipment necessary for an event of this type: Broadcaster T-joy IP camera controller and myTeam TP100, Cute 30x, Broadcaster 20x cameras, each with its different technical characteristics to meet the specific needs of this event.

High quality equipment that achieves the broadcasting of the event in FullHD through any videoconferencing system with first class audio on both sides.

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